Lyulya Kebab Lviv
Now the taste of Lulya kebab has become much more interesting
We cook the soft meat in the oven, preserving the rich taste and add flavor through spices and herbs. The result of special cooking can surprise even experienced gourmets of meat dishes.
Lulya kebab, we serve with fried and then baked potatoes, as is done with the traditional Uzbek dish Kazan kebab.
Marinated onions, cut into thin slices will add a spicy taste to juicy meat. Adjika sauce will add spiciness to a fragrant dish and increase appetite while enjoying the taste of Lulya kebab.
Kebab - translated from Persian as "fried meat". Real Lyulya-kebab is prepared from chopped lamb, to which is added very finely chopped onions and lard. You can fry kebabs on charcoal or at home in a pan - believe me, they are no less delicious and juicy.
Gizhduvan kebab is very popular in Uzbekistan - it is minced lamb with spices cooked on the grill. In taste and juiciness it resembles our Lulya kebab. A small town in the suburbs of the ancient city of Bukhara, known to medieval scientists, potters and kebabs. Now Lviv residents and guests of the city can taste a real kebab in the restaurant "Tea House Samarkand".
How to cook Lyulya Kebab Lviv at home?
Lyulya Kebab Lviv: use our recipe for cooking Lyulya Kebab Lviv at home.
850 g of minced veal
100 g of fat
50 g of garlic
200 g of onions
40 g fresh cilantro (small bunch)
2 tsp. salt (without slide)
1 tsp. ground black pepper
300 ml of water for pickling onions
12 wooden skewers
Prepare minced meat, mix meat, fat, garlic, onion and chopped cilantro, salt, pepper. Let stand in the refrigerator for 30-50 minutes. Divide the minced meat into pieces of 100 gr. Beat them and form oblong cutlets. Put a skewer soaked in water on the cutlet, distribute the minced meat evenly.
Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 15-20 minutes, changing positions from time to time.
This recipe Lyulya Kebab Lviv should appeal to your family and friends!

Grinding or chopping?
Minced meat goes well with kebabs. It should be ground coarser. It is better to make minced meat yourself than to buy minced meat in a store. Even small streaks spoil the taste of kebabs.
Minced meat will retain more of its own juice and taste. The particles need to be made a little smaller (smaller). The main thing is that it did not turn out mushy and the meat did not let the internal juices.

Lyulya Kebab Lviv
has a special taste due to the right balanced addition of spices. Add a little salt, ground black pepper and ground coriander
Peel an onion and cut it into thin half rings. Then mix the sugar, water, salt and vinegar in a saucepan or saucepan. Allow the mixture to cool.
Fill the onion rings with marinade and add spices. You can use cloves and allspice in this case

Lyulya Kebab Lviv
can be ordered ready-made on our website www.samlviv.com in the menu
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