Manti is a very common dish in Central Asia. The vast Asian region was the cradle of civilizations in ancient times. The inventions of the Chinese, the scientific research of Arab and Persian scholars, the works of Islamic theologians were transferred from city to city by travelers along with recipes for delicious dishes. One of the most common dishes that now exists in almost all cuisines of Asian nations - steamed meat dough. In Uzbekistan, this dish is known as manti. Chinese baoji are prepared on yeast dough. Mongolian mantis are made from both beef and goat or horse meat. Uyghur mantis are eaten with a spicy sauce - lazjan. Kada manta is prepared with pumpkin.
Manti is one of the most common dishes that now exists in almost all cuisines of Asian nations - steamed meat dough. In Uzbekistan, this dish is known as manti. Chinese baoji are prepared on yeast dough. Mongolian mantis are made from both beef and goat or horse meat. Uyghur mantis are eaten with a spicy sauce - lazjan. Kada manta is prepared with pumpkin.
The recipe for cooking mantis differs not only from country to country, but even every housewife may have it a little differently. One of the recipes for manta may be as follows:
for the dough:
400 g flour,
1 egg,
2 st. spoons of oil,
pinch of salt,
200 ml of water
For the filling:
400 g of veal,
400 g of onion,
a pinch of star,
ground black pepper to taste,
salt to taste

Features of cooking
Too thin dough when rolling will break when the finished mantles will be translated. Too thick dough, interrupt the taste of minced meat.
Minced minced meat is tastier than minced.
Mantis will be tastier if sprinkled with a little ground black pepper.
As a sauce to the mantle can be onion-tomato sauce or just sour cream. Although Uzbekistan also serves #chakka sauce for this purpose.
In the article " About Uzbek mantis - different types and how to cook better " in our blog, we talked in more detail about what types of mantis can be found and shared secrets about how to cook mantis.
Do you know that we prepare mantles and offer to order not only ready (steamed), but also ready (frozen) mantles?
So you can cook mantis at home and serve them on the table very hot. You can always order frozen mantles on our website or at our restaurant.
Book a table at our establishment and say that you will come for freshly prepared manti. Tell us the portion size. So you can taste manti in the best way!